
Malus pumila 'Early Harvest'

Common name: Early Harvest Apple, Prince's Harvest Apple
Family: Rosaceae (Rose)
Hardiness: USDA Zone 4
Life form: Deciduous tree
Usage: Ornamental, Edible
Comments: As the name indicates, this apple ripens early in the season. Philadelphia nurseryman Bernard McMahon recommended ‘Early Harvest’ as a “Summer Apple” in The American Gardener’s Calendar (1806). In 1791, Thomas Jefferson placed an order from the William Prince Nursery on Long Island for a large number of trees, including fruit trees like “6. of the very earliest apples you have.” Most likely Prince would have sent Jefferson ‘Early Harvest,’ which originated in New York and was considered by William’s son, Benjamin, to be “the earliest of all apples, fit for tarts in June, and when ripe is an excellent table fruit.”


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